
Thomas Jackson

Thomas Jonathan Jackson was born on january 21,1824 in clarksberg Virginia . He entered west point in july 1842 and in spite of his poor childhood education worked hard to graduate, Jackson was sent on military duty to Mexico and contined his survice in the United States Army in positions in New York and Florida. In 1851 Jackson became professer of artillary tactics and natural philosophy at Virginia. He resigned from the army as of febuary 29, 1852.

Jackson’s summer vacation’s from teaching were often spent vacationing in the North and in Europe where his interest were aroused is in art and culture  rather than military or political aspects. This somewhat calm domestic period in his life came to a close on April 21,1861 when he was ordered to go to Richmond as part of the cadet corps. Since military aspirations had faded from his life,he was virtually unknown in the sphere.

On may 2,1863, in his last march of the Civil war, Jackson was wounded by friendly fire. He died of pneumonia several days later on may 10 at Guiney’s station Virginia. His body was carried to Richmond and then to Lexington where it was buried. It is said that the Army of Northern Virginia never fully recovered from the loss of Stonewell Robert E. Lee believed Jackson was irreplaceable.

September 11 2001

On September 11 2001,nineteen Al-Queda terrorists coordinated suicide attacks.They all had the intent of dying in the process of killing others.All nineteen coordinators died,crashing planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City,another plane into the Pentagon in Virginia and the fourth and final plane into a field in Pennsylvania.They killed 2,973 victims in the process.These planes were far from empty.The Al-Queda terrorists hijacked commercial planes,246 people occupied these four planes,246 people died on these four planes.The fourth plane was crashed as the result of onboard passengers and flight crew battling with terrorists in attempt to take control of the plane.Later analysis has shown that this plane was en route to either the Capital or the White House.It took all the strength and bravery they had to take them down. They knew they going to die they rather die as Heros.